Friday, May 4, 2018

Cox Surveys Consumers

Cox Business, the enterprise department of Cox Cable and Internet recently conducted a survey on consumers shopping and dining habits. What they found isn't that surprising. People like to shop at places that agree with their beliefs.

Some interesting tidbits: while 71% said it was important for businesses they go to "practice diverse and inclusive hiring," less that a third felt it was "significantly meaningful" to support women-owned businesses.

Although the questions were probably phrased differently, over 40% of the respondents felt free high-speed wifi Internet, like Cox provides, was important.

Of course the results were probably framed in a way to promote technology like having high-speed Internet and connected devices. Cox Business Executive Vice President Steve Rowley said "small brick-and-mortar businesses have to rely on technology in order to deliver great shopping and dining experiences that keep consumers coming back."

In addition to business services, Cox Communications provides high-speed Internet, video and smart home services on the residential side too.